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Mazur, A., Melke, A. (red.). (2022). Staphylinina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of Poland. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu. https://doi.org/10.17306/m.978-83-67112-35-2
The first Staphylinidae species described, named and classified in the 10th edition of “Systema Naturae” by Carl Linné (Linnaeus) was Staphylinus hirtus, i.e. presently Emus hirtus (Linnaeus, 1758). Along with 18 other species, classified by the author to one genus Staphylinus, these taxa provided a certain foundation for the further classification of Staphylinidae. At present these species are classified to 15 genera, among others from the subfamilies Staphylininae (genera Emus, Ontholestes, Creophilus, Staphylinus, Philonthus, Quedius), as well as Oxyporinae, Paederinae, Tachyporinae, Steninae, Aleocharinae and Omaliinae. Carl Linnaeus in the next years (1761 and 1767) described seven other species. In the period from mid-18th century to the end of the 20th century (specifically in the years 1758–2000) a total of 45 700 Staphylinidae species were described, which accounted for 14% of all beetles and 5% of all animals. In turn, only within the 20 years of the 21st century the number of described Staphylinidae species increased to 63 000, which makes this family of beetles one of the most speciose families worldwide, not only among insects, but all animals.
Wyróżnienie specjalne za opracowanie edytorskie w konkursie ACADEMIA 2023
Konkurs ACADEMIA 2023 był częścią 26. Międzynarodowych Targów Książki w Warszawie. Organizatorami 16. edycji były: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej oraz Fundacja Historia i Kultura. Konkurs ma na celu wyróżnienie oraz promocję wydawców najlepszych publikacji akademickich i naukowych, które ukazały się na rynku tym razem w latach 2022–2023.
From the Authors / 11
In memoriam / 15
In memory of Professor dr hab. Andrzej Szujecki, dr dr h.c. / 15
Profesor dr hab. Andrzej Szujecki as a member
of the Polish Academy of Sciences / 19
1. Introduction / 21
2. Systematic position of the subtribe Staphylinina / 25
3. Morphology / 29
4. Morphology and biology of immature stages in Staphylinina / 55
5. List of Polish fauna / 65
6. Faunistic review of species / 69
Abemus Mulsant & Rey, 1876 / 75
Abemus chloropterus (Panzer, 1796) / 75
Creophilus Leach, 1819 / 78
Creophilus maxillosus maxillosus (Linnaeus, 1758) / 78
Dinothenarus Th omson, 1858 / 84
Dinothenarus pubescens pubescens (De Geer, 1774) / 84
Dinothenarus fossor (Scopoli, 1771) / 89
Emus Leach, 1819 / 94
Emus hirtus (Linnaeus, 1758) / 94
Ocypus Leach, 1819 / 101
Ocypus brunnipes (Fabricius, 1781) / 101
Ocypus biharicus (G. Müller, 1926) / 106
Ocypus macrocephalus (Gravenhorst, 1802) / 111
Ocypus nitens nitens (Schrank, 1781) / 118
Ocypus ormayi (Reitter, 1887) / 127
Ocypus tenebricosus (Gravenhorst, 1846) / 129
Ocypus olens (O.F. Müller, 1764) / 131
Ocypus ophthalmicus ophthalmicus (Scopoli, 1763) / 137
Ocypus aeneocephalus (De Geer, 1774) / 143
Ocypus fulvipennis Erichson, 1840 / 147
Ocypus fuscatus (Gravenhorst, 1802) / 149
Ocypus picipennis picipennis (Fabricius, 1793) / 155
Ontholestes Ganglbauer, 1895 / 160
Ontholestes haroldi (Eppelsheim, 1884) / 160
Ontholestes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) / 163
Ontholestes tessellatus (Geoff roy, 1785) / 171
Platydracus Th omson, 1858 / 179
Platydracus chalcocephalus (Fabricius, 1801) / 179
Platydracus fulvipes (Scopoli, 1763) / 183
Platydracus latebricola (Gravenhorst, 1806) / 190
Platydracus stercorarius stercorarius (Olivier, 1795) / 194
Staphylinus Linnaeus, 1758 / 200
Staphylinus caesareus caesareus (Cederhjelm, 1798) / 200
Staphylinus dimidiaticornis (Gemminger, 1851) / 204
Staphylinus erythropterus erythropterus (Linnaeus, 1758) / 209
Tasgius Stephens, 1829 / 225
Tasgius globulifer globulifer (Geoff roy, 1785) / 225
Tasgius melanarius melanarius (Heer, 1839) / 227
Tasgius morsitans (Rossi, 1790) / 235
Tasgius winkleri (Bernhauer, 1906) / 241
Tasgius ater (Gravenhorst, 1802) / 244
Tasgius pedator (Gravenhorst, 1802) / 247
7. Discussion and conclusions / 249
Acknowledgements / 259
References / 261

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu
ISBN: 978-83-67112-26-0
e-ISBN: 978-83-67112-35-2
DOI: 10.17306/m.978-83-67112-35-2
Rok wydania: 2022
Wyd. 1
Strony: 294
Wersja papierowa: oprawa miękka
Wersja elektroniczna: pdf
Format: B5
Licencja: open access